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作者:stephen    文章来源:互联网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-2-20 【我来说两句


People who use the principles say they work. Greg Johnson, a Charlotte, N.C., corporate real-estate executive, says Dr. Rao’s training helps him avoid rushing to negative conclusions about daily events. Amid staff changes or reorganizations, he has taught himself to think, ‘Good thing, bad thing? The reality is, I don’t know’ how the change will turn out in the long term. That mindset helps him remain open to the possibility that seemingly negative events can produce positive outcomes in the long term, he says.

践行了这些信条的人们都说管用。美国北卡罗莱纳州夏洛特市的一位商业地产高管约翰逊(Greg Johnson)说,Rao的培训课程有助于他避免对日常事务匆匆忙忙地得出负面结论。当遇到人员更替或部门改革时,他学会了问自己,“好事还是坏事?其实我不知道”,使自己不要对某种变化可能的长远结果过早下结论。他说,这有助于他保持“塞翁失马 焉知非福”的心态。

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