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作者:Mitch Al…    文章来源:Time    点击数:    更新时间:2009-12-9 【我来说两句

Mitch Albom's 1997 best seller, the elegiac Tuesdays with Morrie, should have come with its own box of Kleenex, but it's likely too old to crack the past five years' Top 10.

His equally sentimental 2004 book, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, is another matter, however.

The tale of the lessons an old man learns in the afterlife, with the aid of the titular quintet, clocks in at just 198 pages —

an easy dose of schmaltziness just the right size for a single long-haul trip.

Just don't let the flight attendants see you cry.





就当它是一次清夜扪心,一次大汗后的冲淋。 —— 著名作家陈村鼎力推荐并为本书作序


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