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作者:stephen    文章来源:iciba英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-1-26 【我来说两句

Eva Wang, 35, a Baidu user in Beijing, said she also uses Baidu for her Chinese searches and Google for her English searches:
Eva Wang,35岁,百度北京用户,她说她也是用百度搜中文,用谷歌搜英文:

'Baidu is much more stable, and also quite enough based on my requirement for search engines. Maybe I am just used to it, so I really rely on Baidu a lot. For Google, it's definitely something very fancy with high-tech content, but I think Baidu's features are enough for me as well. Google is always a brand that makes people look up to it, and a higher level than Baidu, while Baidu is just a domestic company, and most of the time is regarded as a follower of Google. But Baidu has much more natural attraction to Chinese users.'

Duncan Clark, chairman of BDA China Ltd., said a lack of innovation is also how Microsoft and Yahoo ceded their advantage to Google in search, and then increasingly in other areas:
BDA中国(BDA China Ltd.)董事长邓肯•克拉克(Duncan Clark)说,微软(Microsoft)和雅虎(Yahoo)也是因为缺乏创新,将它们在搜索领域中的优势地位让给了谷歌,其他领域也越来越有这种趋势:

'Imitation has paid off well for Baidu so far...In the long run only the innovative survive...The biggest enemy is complacency.' which is a risk for Baidu.

Loretta Chao / Sue Feng / Aaron Back

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